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This hook uses and audio analyser to create and an audio visualizer from a media element (audio/video) or the user microphone.


  1. a function that handles the byte frequecy data of the audio, this function takes two arguments, the data array which is a Uint8Array, and the current AnalyserNode, so the API will be: (dataArray, node) => any.
  2. and some options:
fftSizeNumberthe window size of the FFT, Must be a power of 2 between 2^5 and 2^15 (default is 2^11 = 2048), see fftSize property.

Return Values

nodeObjectthe current AnalyserNode reference.
contextObjectthe current AudioContext reference.
connectFunctionconnect any audio/video element, or a MediaStream object.
errorUnknowncached error if it exists.


You should set crossOrigin to anonymous if you're trying to use the analyser node with an audio element to avoid the CORS access restrictions:

<audio src="/path/to/audio" crossOrigin="anonymous" />
<audio src="/path/to/audio" crossOrigin="anonymous" />

Example Usage

import { useAudioAnalyser } from 'react-pre-hooks';

export default function Example() {
  const analyser = useAudioAnalyser(
    dataArray => {
      // Draw a bar visualizer
      const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
      if (!canvas) return;

      const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

      const maxDataValue = Math.max(...dataArray);
      const barWidth = Math.ceil(canvas.width / dataArray.length) * 1.4;

      dataArray.forEach((value, index) => {
        const barHeight = (value / maxDataValue) * canvas.height;
        const x = index * barWidth * 2;
        const y = canvas.height - barHeight;

        ctx.fillStyle = '#00cde0';
        ctx.fillRect(x, y, barWidth, barHeight);
    { fftSize: 2048 }

  return (
      <canvas />
        onCanPlay={e => analyser.connect(e.currentTarget)}
import { useAudioAnalyser } from 'react-pre-hooks';

export default function Example() {
  const analyser = useAudioAnalyser(
    dataArray => {
      // Draw a bar visualizer
      const canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');
      if (!canvas) return;

      const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
      ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

      const maxDataValue = Math.max(...dataArray);
      const barWidth = Math.ceil(canvas.width / dataArray.length) * 1.4;

      dataArray.forEach((value, index) => {
        const barHeight = (value / maxDataValue) * canvas.height;
        const x = index * barWidth * 2;
        const y = canvas.height - barHeight;

        ctx.fillStyle = '#00cde0';
        ctx.fillRect(x, y, barWidth, barHeight);
    { fftSize: 2048 }

  return (
      <canvas />
        onCanPlay={e => analyser.connect(e.currentTarget)}

Released under the MIT License.